February 23, 2012


Hey, you.

Even if you don't mean it, and even if you don't realize it, you always there help me get through the hard times.

When I finally transfered to this school, you helped me to adjust here. You gave me all informations I needed in my first day. And the next day. And the day after that. And so on.

You told me where my class at when the teacher hadn't even announced it to me. Me--the poor, clueless transfer student who didn't know anything at all about the school she actually entered.

February 22, 2012

Final Fantasy Crystalesia Early Dragon Year Gathering

Voilaaa, I'm back! Di postingan kali ini gue mau cerita tentang event yang gue datangi pada Sabtu 18 Februari 2012 lalu. Event ini udah gue tunggu-tunggu selama berbulan-bulan dan alhamdulillah gue kesampean juga buat hadir di acaranya. Masih inget kan sebuah komunitas game Indonesia eksis yang gue ikuti sejak jaman masih pake seragam putih biru? Yap, it's Final Fantasy Crystalesia! Dan kemaren, untuk kesekian kalinya, FFC ngadain gathering lagi. Judul kerennya sih Early Dragon Year Gathering yang mengambil tempat di Central Park, Jakarta.

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Maira Gall