December 31, 2015

Another Year-End Note

Pernahkah temen-temen berpikir bahwa segala hal di dunia ini begitu kontradiktif? Mungkin beberapanya nggak sampai kontradiktif, but at least semuanya relatif. Keabsolutan dan permanensi itu omong kosong. Kemudian orang-orang bakal sadar bahwa cepat atau lambat semuanya akan kemakan kata-kata sendiri.

Pernahkah temen-temen berpikir, apa yang memanusiakan kita? Yang bikin kita jadi manusia?

It is good to work hard and always push yourself to the limit. It is good for your personal development, it helps you secure your bright future, and it keeps you stay focused all the time. Letting your guard down is the last thing you want to do. But there are some points in your life when you push yourself too hard. You come to deny your own experiences and you ignore your own inner voices.

© 2025 La Valse des Mots
Maira Gall