May 13, 2017

Chasing Yoko Shimomura: Kingdom Hearts Orchestra World Tour

Something spectacular happened last week in the honor of celebrating Kingdom Hearts series' 15th anniversary!

Pada Minggu 7 Mei 2017 lalu, saya dan sepupu saya bareng-bareng nonton Kingdom Hearts Orchestra World Tour di Singapura. Konser tersebut adalah konser official musik-musiknya Kingdom Hearts (dan world tour concert perdananya juga!). I never thought I would go to Singapore again this quick for another concert, considering the fact that I barely went to Singapore for Distant Worlds concert last December (click here to read the story). But there I was in the concert hall, completely enjoying the moment, nggak nyesel sama sekali telah merelakan segenap uang tabungan dan meninggalkan skripsi sejenak demi..


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Maira Gall