March 31, 2018

Your Code to Decipher

"Have I told you how much I love stations and airports; trains and aircrafts?"

It was a comfortably gloomy day as the sun took a day off. Dark clouds kept pouring down droplets of water since dawn, taking everyone hostage at home and leaving the asphalt covered streets empty. However, she was a free soul. She went out nonetheless.

The man who sat in front of her shook his head. "No, you haven't. Tell me."

"I love them so much."


"Because they give me mixed feelings," she answered. "There are sadness and joy. People who come and go. I imagine myself feeling excited to board my plane to see the other side of the continent while also feeling sad because I have to leave everyone I care about behind."

He smiled.

“It’s interesting. I have a friend who hates airports. And I have another who loves it for a slightly different reason from yours.”

“How come?”

“Both only see one side of a single coin. One hates it simply because he only sees the partings. Another one loves it because she only sees the exhilarating anticipation of going places.”

He ended his story by gulping a spoonful of salad and washing it down his throat with mineral water. She observed him in silence.

“People view things differently. And that’s okay,” he continued. “But in order to be wise, it’s always better to understand various, different perspectives. It’s easier being said than done.”

She slowly stirred her tea, making clattering sound as her spoon touched the inner side of her porcelain cup. It was his turn to take his time and observe her mundane gesture. Every time she’s lost in her thoughts, all he can do is wait. And he does not mind waiting.

© 2025 La Valse des Mots
Maira Gall