November 4, 2013


Please don't mind my gramatically incorrect english and logically unstructured writing.

I really don't know where to start. Yea, as usual. Everytime I find any interesting and valuable experience in my daily life--whose ideas are worth sharing--rather than write it straight away, I usually wait until I get other great stories to write down with (this is actually another way of saying that I'm a professional procrastinator if it comes to writing blogspost). Hence I always have so many thoughts I want to share in every single blogspot and it is so hard to put them into words.

"It is so hard to put them into words". Why? First, as I have said before, there are so many thoughts (not to mention feelings I also wish to convey in my writing). Second, I doubt too much. I always doubt. Are these stories really worth sharing? Are these ideas really appropiate to be shared in such public site, which everyone in this planet can easily access, and to be read by people? And because of the previous reason, if they are personal, I always attempt to present the ultimate ideas of every paraghraph, sentence, phrase, or even word I write implicitly.

So, after thinking and brainstorming, and doubting, and turning off my iTunes player (it turns out that listening to the music doesn't help me at all), here I go.

© 2025 La Valse des Mots
Maira Gall